Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Crash Course by Chris Martenson 2/9/2010

As you recall, I passed out the DVD's for the Chris Martenson "Crash Course" at our initial class meeting.

I know the material in the DVD can be pretty depressing if you really follow it all and there is definitely a LOT of material to digest - particularly if you have not been following worldwide developments in the areas of economics, resource depletion, energy, etc..

So that we can have a summary all in one place, as we gather for class tonight, please compose a short one paragraph reaction to the Crash Course.  If you need a suggested place to begin, tell me how you, as a teacher, might prepare your students (and perhaps their parents) for the world that Dr. Martenson thinks is coming.  You may also wish to comment on how credible you think Dr. Martenson is.

See you in a few hours!